Customer Testimonials

What our customers are saying about us & our products:
Address Plaque is located at the entrance to the driveway of my new home in the high plains of Southern Colorado, (above 8,000'). Wood mounting was handmade by myself, and mounted in a concrete footing. Great pricing. Product made and delivered on time, (in fact a week early, if I remember correctly!)
- William, Colorado


We were searching everywhere for address plaques that would fit perfectly on our new brick entrance walls. Your catalog had so many choices. We took the catalog and a tape measure out to the wall to measure and see which would fit the best. Then came the hard part, picking out the colors! We gathered with the other neighbors and decided on this plaque. I ordered the same design and color for their side too. They look great!
- Michelle, Virginia
I used some leftover cultured stones to build a pillar around my light post for an entrance to our driveway. The address plaque was the perfect finishing touch to an elegant entryway to our new home! Great products and prices! The shipping was also faster than advertised.
- Alan, Maine
When my husband and I bought our house a year ago, the lamppost was white and in desperate need of repainting. He wanted to repaint it white, but I won the battle to have it painted black. He always complained that it looked better white until we bought the ladder rest sign from APM Direct (now Accent Building products). Now he is quick to point out how glad he is that he decided to paint it black!
- Susan, Connecticut
My front door can't be seen from the street, so I needed a two-sided address plaque visible to traffic going either direction. There wasn't an appropriate place in the yard for a two-sided staked model so I decided my best solution would be two separate plaques mounted on either side of my brick mailbox. I shopped locally and online and found the best selection and prices at APM Direct (now Accent Building Products). Price was important because I needed two separate plaques. In comparison, I was able to buy my two gorgeous plaques for less than some companies were charging for a single one. Ordering was easy and customer service was friendly and helpful. Your web site is very user-friendly, especially considering how much inventory you have to display. My plaques were delivered on time and I installed them easily (although I did need to purchase longer brass screws and plugs for masonry mounting). They are a very handsome addition to my home and have provided the ordinary visibility I needed in an extraordinary way.
- Frances, Arkansas
I love my address plaque so much, that I painted my front door to match!!
- Melissa, California

Accent Building Products,
46 Gettysburg Street, P.O. Box 310 Arendtsville, Pa 17303,
Phone: 717-677-5832

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